Elizabeth’s Monthly Thought

Every month, I write a thought, something that has sparked a deeper business learning in the month. It arrives in your inbox on the first Friday of each month, that’s it, no selling, no promotions, just one email, once a month. Some like to call it, a little bit of Liz. If you would like to read my thought each month, sign up here…

How do we work together?

Our regular sessions will happen in whichever way works for you:

Zoom, somewhere else that is private or perhaps by phone.

You bring your concerns to the session and we’ll spend 90 minutes working together through your options, until you’re happy you have a plan you can work with.

I work to the pattern of Plan, Do and Review.

Your commitment to yourself

After each session, I’ll ask you to confirm – in an email – your plan going forward. This gives you a chance to review the plan outside the meeting and really commit to it.

Give me a call